This is Miz Bubs at her first communion. Note the ubiquitous 70's panelling.
She was too shy to say anything about herself, so I'll just say I think she's adorable. This is her official entry in the first annual Little Miss Sunshine Online Pageant.
NOTE: I just learned that this photo was not taken in a rec room or basement as I'd originally thought. No. It was taken in the "party" room of a Swedish smorgasbord restaurant somewhere in Chicago's north suburbs after the service at OLPH in Glenview.
Goiing to the chapel.....cutie pie
The word's been bandied about a lot today but --- adorable. And she's holding the same pen you are it looks like so talk about destiny.
A very sweet picture.
Way too cute to mock. Adorable is the word of the day ...
Lucky with the curly hair! Look like the kind of kid you want in your summer camp cabin group!
aww the curls on your forehead are too sweet for words! What an awesome pic!
Paneling doesn't HAVE to be just a basement.
If you are lucky like me you can have a whole freaking house of it to rip to shreds.
Very cute and what a great picture.
Thanks for all the nice comments.
Actually, my hair is WAY curlier than you see in the picture. I probably slept on sponge curlers the night before. As for summer camp, sorry, wrong call. I was so shy I would have literally sat in corner with a book, not meeting anyone's eyes. I'm much better now!
Kate, can you say "gutting party"? You know we're all waiting for the call! (Kate is my little sister).
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