No, it's not happy hour. It's breakfast! Bacon, eggs fried in bacon grease, grits (NOT the instant kind, real grits) some hot sauce, strong coffee and toast made from homemade bread. Mmm, mmm.
Now the de-whitetrashification of the front yard continues. We have trees, prairie grasses, native flowers and 300 bulbs to plant.
Mmmmmmmm I *love* bacon!
Except for the grits, I want the rest! I like breakfast for dinner sometimes, yummy.
Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite treats. My brother-in-law, when he's on the road, says he can eat three meals a day at the Waffle House.
Dale has no sense of adventure. What's brekkie without grits?
The only thing that would've made this breakfast even more perfect woulda been fresh biscuits and sausage gravy. I make, if I may say so, the best sausage gravy I've ever had. Miz Bubs makes the best biscuits with the possible exception of the biscuits at Science Hill, Kentucky.
We have a disgusting thing called Cream of Wheat which I imagine grits to be like. I'd eat it if you guys were there making fun of me.
Cream of Wheat is nothing like Grits. Grits is good!
I adore biscuits and sausage gravy almost as much as bacon. I could live on breakfast meat. (for a very short time, and then die of a heart attack)
Bacon is good...
Pork chops are good...
Dale, Cream of Wheat is NOTHING like grits. Although they did have a catchy jingle years ago, which I can still partially remember:
Cream of wheat, stays with you...something something, to last the whole day through. Cream of wheeeeeeeat.
Head south my man, and I'll treat you to a heart-healthy breakfast loaded with fat and nitrites. Mmmmmmmmm. Nitrites.
Maybe I was just going on the way it looks and the consistency that I imagine. I was definitely scared before but now I'm pretty sure you and Lulu would hold me down and force me to enjoy it. Can't I just have extra bacon please?
There's always extra bacon here at the compound.
By the way, today (Oct 6th) is the birthday of Cream of Wheat.
Ok, what is there to dislike about either grits or COW? They are both just kind of bland. Or at least lacking a strong flavor. Nothing to really dislike. Unless you're one of those texture-problem people.
I hadn't realized that the acronym of Cream of Wheat was COW. For a second there I thought you were getting really excited about BEEF.
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