Monday, February 12, 2007

Are you ready for Valentine's Day?

This guy is.


Melinda June said...

Has anyone ever told you you're a complete bastard? Because you are.

Johnny Yen said...

I've seen some scary clowns in my life-- some of them on this blog. But that is hands down the scariest clown, let alone the scariest valentine I have ever seen.

Damn-- too bad I bought my wife a card already...

Joe said...

Melinda, be happy I'm not sending you "surprises" in your email, or working in the next cubicle.

Johnny, no matter how many scary clowns you find, there are always more to come. That's just how they are.

Dale said...

That is fucked up Bubs. Sorry. And thanks.

Johnny Yen said...

I know. They just keep pouring out of the little clown car by the dozen...