Ok, I've gone a little contest happy maybe.
Who is this clown? Answer in the comments and I'll reveal the clown's identity on Friday.
The compound is under construction. Gathering enough plywood, galvanized tin and used trailers takes time, not to mention stockpiling all the shotgun ammo, canned goods and bourbon.
A young and dapper Eddie Gein?
Mickey Rooney on acid.
Ronny Howard?
Monkerstein beat me to it-- it looks like Mickey Rooney to me.
It's you Bubs, that's a fez right?
Karl Rove?
Jay whatever... Dennis the Menace?
Bozo as a young child?
Jin: cold
Dr MVM, Johnny: slightly warmer
Splotchy: tepid
Dale: not quite as cold as Jin
W.P.: colder, this clown is not nearly so evil
Beckeye: tepid
Ten: cold
I'm thinking Bugs Bunny.
I tried to google an answer and found this article abstract from Pastoral Psychology journal. (BTW, my guess is Billy Graham but I had been leaning toward Judy Garland)
Title: Second thoughts on the minister as a clown
Heije Faber -- University of Tilburg, Lindelaan 2, 3951 XT, Maarn, The Netherlands
Abstract The author utilizes Ian T. Ramsey's "model" construct as a vehicle to "disclose" the identity of the minister. Thus he uses the clown to point to the minister's vulnerability, his trust, his integrity, and shows how suffering can have a special relation to the understanding of the presence of God.
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