"There! That's what I think of ye. Before an hour's out, I'll stove in your old block house like a rum puncheon. Laugh, by thunder, laugh! Before an hour's out, ye'll laugh upon the other side. Them that die'll be the lucky ones."
The compound is under construction. Gathering enough plywood, galvanized tin and used trailers takes time, not to mention stockpiling all the shotgun ammo, canned goods and bourbon.
Quit slappin' yer yardarm agin' the mizzinmast. Keep it up an' you'll sound like a landlubber!
Yo,ho,ho, and a bottle of rum.
I can barely talk like a Suth'na today ... damn that bottle of rum.
Does anyone else think James Hetfield from Metallica sings like a pirate?
I do...
How does everyone know about this "holiday?" I've never heard of this in my life and it's all over Blogdom today.
Damn It!!!! I love Talk Like A Pirate Day and I totally missed it this year! One of my former co-workers from LV sent me a reminder, but we are ten hours ahead over here and I didn't get it until this morning. Last year I taught all of my classes in pirate-speak; it was great fun (for me at least, not sure how the kids felt about it)
one me best holiday - to curse to drink and to be merry
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