Stanley Stacharski died Friday at the age of 57, and he will be missed.
Mr. Stacharski was the owner of our beloved Hala Kahiki Lounge in River Grove, the most wonderful tiki bar in all of Chicagoland. He inherited the place from his parents, who founded the business about 40 years ago.
I'm in the mood for a night at the tiki bar. I especially like visiting there during the cold weather and sitting in the warm, dark tropical splendor while the snow falls outside.
How sad! I remember you talking fondly of the tiki bar.
Kim and I just went to a birthday party a couple of Sundays ago near there-- Chef Shangri-La, nearby, in North Riverside.
We've been talking the last couple of days how we miss you and MizBubs and that we need to get out with you guys. Let's go to a tiki bar. Maybe the Tiki Terrace?
Tiki Terrace! I just drove past tonight and had a strong urge to pull in and order a tropical drink, but I had to get home and turn in some homework.
I'm going to be out of commission for the next week or two. I'll have some good stories, hopefully, when I'm done.
Let's plan on something in the days immediately before or after Thanksgiving?
I wish we had a tiki bar around here. I love the image of sitting in a tiki bar while it snows outside. Rock on Stanley, where ever you may be now.
maybe we could tiki over Christmas when I'm home and staying a block from you in MP?
i am sorry to hear that I hope the bar will continue on
What a sad day and 57 is way too young to die.
I wish we had a tiki bar around these parts and with all your late nights lately and now hearing you'll be out of commission for the next week or so I've been expecting a doozy of a story.
Damn. Such a shame. I wish his family the best.
Sorry bubs.
Farewell Stanley, RIP.
Tiki forever!
I shall have a mai tai in his honor.
I am assuming this means no Riot Fest? Well, you know where to find me and Naked Raygun!
That's very sad. The story was very nice about the family and how it came to be.
bubbsie, I am so sorry for your loss. I love that they've never been to Hawaii and created the campest joint evaah in their own vision of what Hawaii should be.
Aww... You're in my thoughts, bubbs.
That's a shame. I hope I get to see the bar some time. I think PG & I will be in Chicago (burbs) for part of the holidays so perhaps we can meet up there.
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