Thursday, January 17, 2008

John Edwards? Is he running for president too?

A new video from the John Edwards campaign:

How does John Edwards, now running statistically even with Obama and Clinton in Nevada, get only a tiny fraction of the news coverage that those campaigns get? Why does Mike Huckabee, a third place finisher in New Hampshire (like Edwards) get so much more coverage than Edwards? Here's an interesting analysis of media coverage during the week January 6-11. It's from the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

The mainstream media clearly decides on a narrative early on, and then crafts its coverage to fit that narrative. It is a disgusting spectacle.


Barbara Bruederlin said...

We love hearing about your crazy-assed electoral process up here, but then we get it filtered through the CBC.

Joe said...

barbara, I'm glad you find us amusing :)

Our process is filthy with money it's pretty distorted. I just read an article saying that some major polling/survey company has now dropped Edwards from their polls in Oregon. They're still carrying Guliani and Thompson, though, who consistently poll lower than Edwards. And I think that Oregon voters have donated more money to Edwards so far than to Obama and Clinton.

Unknown said...

It sort of makes you wonder why bother with such a long primary process this time around, since already bought their dance card.

justacoolcat said...

Or maybe the Dems are keeping their prize out of the spotlight and letting the others take the heat.

Atleast, that's what I've been saying for months about both parties, not that I think political parties can mostly control the media.

Ok, I think that.

Anonymous said...

Well put, Bubs. It's incredibly disheartening that the corporate media narrows our choices in such a way.

Some Guy said...

Yet, despite his virtual media black-out, he's somehow getting his message out to enough people to stay close in the polls. Imagine if he were getting the same exposure as the others. It would be so nice to see him come out on top and, at the same time, render the mainstream media irrelevant.

Moderator said...

I assume it's because he doesn't have the money of Clinton and Obama. Since the primaries are a marathon run, money is the big factor in who gets noticed both by the media and public.

But that doesn't explain Ron Paul - who raised a ton of money - but gets little attention from the media or public.

Just a guess, though.

Erik Donald France said...

Hey, and Kucinich has to file motions to get included in debates. Poor Edwards even got dissed by Kerry.

Disgusting spectacle, indeed.

Johnny Yen said...

I've wondered the same thing. Edwards virtually tied Obama and Clinton in Iowa, and did well in New Hampshire. He is definitely my favorite candidate.

I've read that Kerry and Edwards were a poor match as running mates-- they don't like one another.

Anonymous said...

It's simple, Edwards is the one guy who has lots of experience going after rotten corporations and promises to do more of the same when elected.

justacoolcat said...

With hair like that who needs major media?

Anonymous said...

Edwards is my 1st choice in the primary.

Tenacious S said...

This has been the hot topic of discussion this week in our house.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Johnny Y: The party forced Edwards on Kerry, and Kerry never let Edwards forget it. He was a real dick to Edwards in 04. That slight of endorsing Obama in SC was definitely on purpose. What a dick.

Bubs: Well, you've hit the nail on the head. Not that it will do any good.