Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can you please take the mask off?

The woman in the bunny suit is 59 years old, and she was arrested for carrying out a two year long cyberstalking campaign against a disgruntled customer.


SkylersDad said...

I would say her elevator doesn't go all the way to the penthouse.

jin said...

OMG! Psycho!

p.s. Still no confirmation email for Nora, I tried again last night. It's really frustrating! Tell me she's still in first place??? I can't even see the results.

Randal Graves said...

Hey, I just got the confirmation...for the vote I cast MONDAY.

But the good news is is that Nora is up 573 to 470 as of now!

Joe said...
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Joe said...

Yes, she is up just more than 100 votes!

Jin, according to Sparklit there are some email providers that just seem to block Sparklit's mail, and it looks like SBC is one of them. They just got back to me yesterday after checking it, and there's nothing more they can do.

Utah Savage said...

I voted again for Nora and the made me sign in and do all the registration crap, then emailed me so I could confirm that I am me and I voted, then they wouldn't let me go back and verify that I am me and I voted. WTF?

Anonymous said...

Really, who knew the Easter Bunny could be so vengeful?

bubbles said...

This had me laughing, laughing, laughing!