I love being the first one up on a holiday and having a little time to organize and enjoy the quiet.
After last weekend's 2-day long bacchanal (MizBubs' brothers and their families have gathered at our house for an early Thanksgiving each year for the past 6 or 7 years) during which we fed 27 for dinner on Saturday, and then had brunch for 15 on Sunday, today's Thanksgiving celebration will be a breeze.
So what are we serving up here at the compound on this glorious holiday?
- Appetizers: mini-tarts with onion and mushroom, and celery stuffed with blue cheese
- Corn bread
- Chopped salad
- Hot Brown sandwiches (the family elected to skip the whole turkey and do this instead, it's a Kentucky recipe and a family favorite)
- Mashed potatoes and gravy, because kids demand it at every holiday. I'm roasting the garlic for the potatoes as I type
- Roasted sweet potato rounds
- Brussels sprouts with caramelized onions and pecans
- Southern style green beans
- Corn pudding
- Dessert: apple pie, pumpkin pie and a monstrous chocolate cake. I mean monstrous in a good way.
I hope that whatever trials you've been through will ease for you, and whatever burdens you carry might be lifted. Please accept our wishes to you all for a very warm and peaceful Thanksgiving.
My best to you & yours!
I am making a scratch tofurkey, of course.
Organic Pecan Pie w/Haagen Dazs Vanilla 5 for dessert.
Mmm... & know what's best of all? This will be my very first Thanxgiving without any family whatsoever & I'm THRILLED!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to your whole family!
Happy Thanksgiving to the entire Bubs household!
Same to you and yours Bubs. Some day we need to cook and eat together.
I'll be right over! MMMM! Happy Thanksgiving!
That menu sounds wonderful. But I want the abs of the woman in the pin up art. Oh, the conundrum!
Mmm, cornbread sounds good. That's one thing we were missing. Although I did have a corn muffin in the morning before the parade.
I like monstrous in a good way. Best of good wishes right back atcha.
OMG Bubs, I am so coming to your house for one of those Hot Brown Sandwiches. And you remind me now that I should have made corn pudding instead of yams. No one, including me, really likes the yams all that much, but I still make them because it's just kind of the tradition.
Much as I love turkey, those Hot Brown sandwiches sound pretty tempting!
Between Pocahontas and your Hot Brown sandwiches and the rest of the menu, I think I'd have died and gone to Heaven. Three cheers to you and yours'
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