This is what the front of the compound looked like in the rain the other night. I hope we have a few more nights like this before Halloween...
Thanks for the costume ideas. Right now I'm trying to decide between two easy ones:
Dead cowboy--I already have the clothes and zombie makeup; MizBubs suggested I go with a noose around my neck as a dead rustler.
George Hamilton--I go and get spray-tanned to a dapper yet ridiculous dark brown, dye the hair black and wear a white terrycloth robe.
Ooooooo veddy sceddy boys and girls.
"Welcome to Monster Chiller Horror Theater!"
Ever heard Count Floyd's "Rastafarian Christmas?"
George Hamilton is WAY scarier. If you do it you should bring whatever crappy snack thing he is always hawking.
I don't think I've heard that although Count Floyd's always had the tiniest pieces of my brain Johnny Yen. I'll have to look it up.
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