Nothing like a good haircut.
Listen up, gents, if you're looking for a good haircut (and they do shaves, too) head over to the Belmont Barbershop at 2328 W. Belmont. This was the first time I've been there and I'm happy with the results.
Check out that clean nape.
Even better, their prices are excellent--$15 for a cut, and they carry my favorite pomade, Layrite. I picked up a jar of it at Viva Las Vegas 8, and just ran out of it a few weeks ago.
I wish I was there right now. My guy seems to be going blind and not giving me the do I deserve tsk tsk.
I lost one barber to old age/blindness and one to death. I found a decent stopgap who I've been using for a couple years now, but this is the best so far.
You can even shoot pool and read Guns And Ammo while you wait. I suggest you point your car south and treat yourself in the new year.
Shit, Bubs-- next time you're in that neighborhood, drop me a line and let's have a drink at the Hungry Brain, just a few doors down there. I had my 40th birthday party in that joint. Right down the street from the 19th. I have a few friends there.
My barber for years was Jerry, near Irving/Lincoln/Damen. He was bald. His wife had waited on me and Viktor Zeitgeist at the old Mr. Steer at Lincoln and Belmont, and talked up her husband. I took Adam for his first real haircut. Jerry uses a straight-razor. I'll never forget the look on Adam's face, and the question-- "He's not using that on me, is he?" Apparently he WAS watching Reservoir Dogs all those times I thought he was too little to get it.
He didn't use the straight-razor on Adam, BTW.
Jerry's barbershop was used in movies and commercials a lot-- definitely old school. He loved it-- they'd pay him $1000 to close shop for the day.
When he retired, it took me a couple of years to find a good barber. If your new guys don't work out, try the barbershop near the corner of Western and Sunnyside (on the north side of the street-- one door east of the corner, across from Welles Park). Zlatka is Serbian, and old school-- she uses the straight-razor.
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