Sunday, December 03, 2006

I hear music

And I hear music-related memes:

How many songs: 1,262

First song: Top of the World -- The Carpenters

Last song: You're a Better Man Than I -- The Yardbirds

Shortest: Paul Burlison Makes a Toast -- The Dempseys (.07)

Longest: Homecoming -- Green Day (9:18)

Five most played songs:

Sam Hall -- Johnny Cash
Goo Goo Muck -- the Cramps
Jack the Ripper -- Link Wray
Veruca Salt -- Danny Elfman (Willy Wonka Soundtrack)
God's Away on Business -- Tom Waits

First song that comes up on "shuffle": Buffalo Skinners -- Woody Guthrie

Number of items that come up when searching for:

"sex": 2

"death": 4

"love": 78

"you": 127

"me": 386

"cry": 8


Dale said...

See Bubs? It's still all about me!
I'm proud to know someone who has Goo Goo Muck as their 2nd most played song!

Mob said...

Okay, that's it, having seen this meme twice in two days, I'm doing it tomorrow, especially considering how much I yammer on about my iPod.

Love your Fear And Loathing icon, BTW...

Joe said...

Thanks Mob!

Dale, of course it's about you. You're everyone's favorite Canadian.

All these random ten/shuffle games remind me of what would happen if a statistician had some combination of adhd or tourette's syndrome.

Cup said...

I love "God's Away on Business" ... and I got to hear Mr. Waits perform it live in August ... a night to remember.

Tenacious S said...

Hey, will we be seeing you at El Vez this weekend?