I'll just quote the lead from this story in the New York Times:
In the recent words of GETKristiLOVE from Two Minutes in the Box:WASHINGTON, June 4 — If President Bush and Vice President Cheney can use vulgar language, then the government cannot punish others for doing the same thing on television.
That, in essence, was the decision today when a federal appeals court struck down the government policy of fining stations and networks that broadcast programs with profanity.
Fuckin' A!
I'll drink to that...
That is beautiful, the irony.
And dare I say it-- it was like the courts gave a big f*ck you to this administration?
This post made my day!
I loved the phrase "excretory organs".
I'll f*cking drink to that, and hope those excretory organs (a.k.a. Bush and Cheny) get fined by the FCC.
I wonder if this means I can shoot someone with a shotgun while drinking and not get in trouble.
If so, Fuckin A!
That is fucking hilarious ;) As long as HBO is available, the Bush-Cheney team can blow me.
That is some fucked up shit.
fuckin beauuutiful!
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