The Pineapple Tranny
1 whole pineapple
6 oz pineapple juice
Juice from 2 limes
1 shot Midori melon liqueur
1/4 shot of Maraschino liqueur
1 shot of coconut rum
3 shots of light rum

6 oz pineapple juice
Juice from 2 limes
1 shot Midori melon liqueur
1/4 shot of Maraschino liqueur
1 shot of coconut rum
3 shots of light rum
- Core out a whole pineapple, leaving about 1 inch of fruit at the bottom
- Fill empty pineapple with ice
- Mix the fruit juices and booze in a cocktail shaker with ice
- Pour into the pineapple, garnish with a fake flower, and serve
Kind of a pleasant but odd day here at the compound. We have once again proved that we're not really good grownups by ditching our responsibilities to hang out in the screen house and read the Sunday paper.
It's official. You guys are officially the coolest people in the world.
its cool looking and would have been perfect for a hot Sunday afternoon
I'm afraid that I must echo Splotchy. You really a really are the coolest people ever. To create, and name, a drink after a confirmed retard sucker, that just takes balls made of flint.
I can't wait to whip up a few of these for Tiki night.
Damn...I wasted my Sunday.
Slept for 12 hours straight.
I hate when that happens!!!
Do I see a box of some type of oriental chocolate stick things on your counter???
She decided that the Pineapple Tranny needed to be sweet, but with a recognizable bitter streak.
That is brilliant. Mizbubs is a genius. You've probably figured that out already.
We have once again proved that we're not really good grownups by ditching our responsibilities to hang out in the screen house and read the Sunday paper.
The authories probably took a dim view of you chaining your kids down in the basement, but hey, you needed your down time.
I wish you guys were my neighbours and that I would get a holler every Sunday to come over and test-drive the new drink.
Well I can dream, can't I?
Barbara, that would be wonderful. We've got good neighbors, they're nice and all, but I wish we had you guys instead.
johnny, at least it was summer so we didn't have to turn the space heater up a few notches to keep them warm. That's usually how we get our away time to do our holiday shopping in December.
jin, I just slept 10 hours myself, with the assistance of Benadryl (wicked allergy attack last night)
You have sharp eyes! That is a box of "Just Black Twin Egg Roll Choco Butter" We're lucky to have a huge Japanese grocery near here, and we were there stocking up on Friday.
Doc, feel free to go back through the archives for recipes, I think we've put up 8 or 10 over the last year or so.
Katy, it was delicious but STRONG. We split the one and stopped. Drinking a whole one by yourself, out in the 95 degree heat, would knock all but the hardest boozehound right on his ass.
Splotchy, you flatter us. Good job.
May I borrow MizBubs one weekend soon?
"Tranny needed to be sweet, but with a recognizable bitter streak."
Keep em coming. You know what I mean.
Well this is all very "Gilligan's Island."
MizBubs and I really need to meet up and co-host a party one of these days. I'm tired of making all the drinks myself. And her creations are amazing.
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