"I was stupid and trying to impress three pretty girls who were paying attention to me."
--Muncie, Indiana police officer Jason Lyons, explaining to a supervisor how he crashed a squad car while taking three Ball State co-eds on a joy ride at one o'clock in the morning.
You can read more about the soon-to-be-former officer's antics here.
Isn't Muncie, Indiana where Woodie Harrelson's character was from in Kingpin?
That almost sounds like a quote from the film! LOL
You know, I've been noticing more police dudes jabbering on cell phones. It's kind of disturbing.
Ah yes, a police officer can arrest a seventeen-year old, but apparently he can't rest the seventeen-year old inside of himself.
"You know, I've been noticing more police dudes jabbering on cell phones. It's kind of disturbing."
Worse yet is that in California we passed a law against doing that while driving and guess who does it just as often as everyone else?
I think the 'Rico" alias speaks volumes. If the guy hasn't gotten over Miami Vice yet, he definitely has problems. Was he at least in uniform at the time, or wearing some pastel clothing and sandals?
I know it's kind of off topic, but what is up with cops and those horrid mustaches?
If it's just something they have to do then why not a handlebar?
If it had just been two pretty girls he wouldn't have bothered.
Dr MVM, three IS the magic number isn't it?
Coolcat, here's the deal with the mustaches--it's just like the military, they're probably not allowed to have the ends extend past the edge of the lips. You see that look more in southern/rural/smaller departments that are more paramilitary in structure. Right after the bad little mustache in popularity is the cop goatee. I sported one for a while back in the late 90's, at which time my kids referred to me as "Senor Diablo". It was NOT a friendly look.
Mob, thanks for catching the "Rico" thing. That was one of my favorite aspects of the story, along with the fact he told the girls to get out and run after the crash, and that his police chief is "Chief Winkle"
Eric and W.P., pipe down would ya--those are high-priority emergency first responder phone calls, not your typical idle crash-causing civilian chitchat. What's really scary is that they're probably typing on a mobile data terminal at the same time, and balancing a cup of coffee.
Jin, I think you're right!
Hey, I thought what happened in Muncie, stayed in Muncie.
Can't every stupid act be blamed on a male trying to impress a female?
Grant, I know most of mine have been.
Vikki, even though Muncie is widely known as the Pahrump of Indiana, I don't think that message has gotten out.
Maybe he just saw "Super Bad." That's a plausible defense, right?
It's those girls' fault for being pretty. Down with pretty girls!
Another classic example of the results when a man thinks through his johnson.
Erik- I've seen the same thing here in Chicago. The sorry thing is that here in Chicago, it's against the law to talk on your cell phone without a handsfree device.
Is there a police shortage there that they are hiring boys who never got past their testosterone stage?
Hey doesn't he look like Gooding Jr????
guess I cant post a picture, but here's a link. Yep, the guy does have that movie star appeal.
WEll at least he's honest!
I'm with Beckeye. Give him at least 2 points for honesty. Dumb, but honest.
those two points for honesty are a drop in the bucket compared to the 470 points he lost for reeking of desperation and being a dumbass.
I think I dated him before Mr. Yen.
kim, I'm sorry.
Anandamide, what are you trying to say? That there's something desperate and dumb about a cool 38-year-old guy showing off for some coeds who are 18 or 20 years younger than him? What's your point?
Hot Lemon and BeckEye, you're right! Thank God for honest people who easily confess to stupid things. I know it makes my job easier.
Laura, holy shit, you're right! Only dumber and whiter.
Barbara, that would be most of us.
Johnny, what can you say...sometimes the big car with flashing lights and the handgun just isn't compensation enough...
Bella, howdy! Finally, someone GETS IT! Poor guy gets all loved up by some si-reens and it's HIS fault?
Beth, I expect we'll see that soon enough. I've seen worse defenses.
That is sooooooo shameful.
I spent two years in Muncie attending Ball State. That was a hundred and six years ago, though.
The police officers just weren't that relaxed back then. Even the cops are kids these days.
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