Wednesday, December 05, 2007



Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

What's amazing to me is that some of that concrete is still curing in the dam. There was just so damn much of it.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Dam is right!

Dino said...

wow cool pictures. in all the times that I was in Vegas not once did I make it there. One of these days i will- i am thinking renting a Harley and then ride over it!!!

Joe said...

katy, it was awesome and well worth the trip out and $11 for the tour. We went on a Monday so the drive was quick, about 35-40 minutes from the Luxor and not very crowded. I have a great source for a car rental if you need it, we had a Neon for $10/day.

Barbara, if you knew how much I had to fight my fear of heights to take those pictures you'd be really impressed. And I did it without booze.

Dr MVM, they ran metal pipes in the concrete through which they pumped cold water to allow the concrete to set faster. You get an "A" for knowing about the concrete still curing!

Erik Donald France said...

Positively vertiginous . . . I guess I drove over the damn dam once back in the 80s. Nothing's been quite the same ever since.

justacoolcat said...


Writeprocrastinator said...

Amazing...though I'm getting a little dizzy looking at them.

vikkitikkitavi said...


Oh, wait.
