Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Some of you may already have seen this photo on sites such as FAIL Blog. This photo was not staged. It was taken after a traffic stop in Buffalo Grove, a suburb just north of here. The driver of the gray car was a 70 year old man who got either flustered or enraged after being given a speeding ticket, threw his car in reverse, and backed right into and over a squad car.

Here's the video from the squad car:

This happened back in May 2008, and I have no idea why I'm posting this now. I guess it's just because someone emailed me the video and I got to relive the hilarity, and wanted to share it with all of you.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if sheriff pissed him off and told him this was no country for old men.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

The old dude stuck it to the man.

Paul D Brazill said...

Nice bit of anarchy !

SkylersDad said...

Beautiful, just beautiful!

dguzman said...

Wow. Maybe I'll try that sometime.


What an idiot.

Randal Graves said...

I think there's a non-funny Doobie Brothers joke buried under that wreckage.

bubbles said...

I was impressed with the officer's ability to sound so calm. I burst out laughing with the repeated, "Turn the car off.", though! Vroom, Vroom, Vroom...

Mnmom said...

I too am amazed the officer stayed so calm! What an idiot! The officer was truly being a nice guy and just doing his job. Hope they nailed him.

Mob said...

The guy just gunning the engine for the final half minute of the clip is just ridiculous. What a nut.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I don't think he even knew he wasn't driving down the road! Scary!

Anonymous said...

Gun it old man! Mexico isn't far away. Vroom Vroom!

Anonymous said...

What I love was his left turning signal was on when he turned the car on. He probably had that on for miles.

Johnny Yen said...

My favorite part is the fact that after doing something that stupid, he had to be told to turn his car engine off. What an idiot.

A couple of months ago, a cop who is a regular at the restaurant stopped a guy for something right in front of the restaurant. The guy probably had had a couple of drinks, but didn't appear impaired. The cop told him he could go, but the guy wanted to argue with the cop over having been stopped in the first place. Me and a coworker finally went out and told the guy to shut the f*ck up, go home and count his blessings on not spending a night in jail.

Tenacious S said...

Where did it happen? Oh, Buffalo Grove. Say no more.