When I came out, this was the view looking east toward the forest preserve:

I love fog. I wish I'd had my camera with me.
The compound is under construction. Gathering enough plywood, galvanized tin and used trailers takes time, not to mention stockpiling all the shotgun ammo, canned goods and bourbon.
Nice attempt at a cover-up, Mr. No, That's Not A UFO.
so if you didnt have your camera.......... (and cell phone cameras count)
Wait, then are you beaming this into my mind? Are you a trickster? Am I still drunk?
I think I see Jack the Ripper there in the distance.
I love fog too, but when you see fog looking like that, you gotta haul ass. You watch zombie movies. You know what I'm sayin'...
Very cool shot. I love the fog, too, especially when it's so thick you can barely see two feet in front of you. That happens quite a bit on the South shore of Long Island. But the strange lights I usually see are day-glo orange and supposedly emanate from street lights. I don't believe that for a second.
Damn, Amy beat me to it...
We got some thick-ass fog out here in NoCal, Bubs. You gotta come see sometime.
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