Monday, September 14, 2009

Best blog post headline in weeks

And here it is, courtesy of the always entertaining Mock, Paper, Scissors:

Teabagging furry on the way to D.C.

I'm a little jealous that the pairing of "teabagging" and "furry" did not occur on this blog first.


SkylersDad said...


BeckEye said...

Sounds like my weekend! OH!

Randal Graves said...

What a great country.

Amy Guth said...

AHhahahahahahaha! That is really special. Lucky for you, I just read the headline aloud, to the surprise and delight of my coworkers!

vikkitikkitavi said...

Awww...a bear and his cub!

dguzman said...

What the... wow.

Hey--I got a story for you!