The compound is under construction. Gathering enough plywood, galvanized tin and used trailers takes time, not to mention stockpiling all the shotgun ammo, canned goods and bourbon.
Monday, October 12, 2009
That reminds me...
It may not be hunting season yet, but it's never to soon to show off your pelt.
It's really the hat that makes the ensemble a success.
From Hillbilly Playboy?
No, it is too soon. In fact, it's probably always too soon.
Amateur porn again!
This month's centerfold from Field & Stream!
She looks a bit like Catherine O'Hara doing a SCTV character.
I guess in someone's world that's hot.
When I let you take that photo you promised - YOU *PROMISED* - that you would never post it.
I always wondered what happened to Sean Young...
That is wrong in ways I can't even comprehend. I wonder if she dates that guy with the bikini underwear and guns.
What Anonymous said.
The infinite amount of puns and cheezy jokes, but I resist to simply compliment you for finding the photo and sharing with us all.
is that sarah palin without makeup or glasses?
Hey, where did you get my work ID?
I just want to know what (or who) is in that big urn on the left.
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