Meet Joel Napier and his female acquaintance Cynthie Casper:
Joel Napier is the mayor (at least for now) of Taylor, Alabama, population 1,898. The couple was arrested for public lewdness after they were caught getting busy in a car parked in front of a local Waffle House. The article mentions that it was also next door to a Days Inn. I guess fooling around in back behind the dumpsters and grease trap, while more discrete, just wasn't romantic enough.
When the officer rolled up and witnessed what the article said was "serious foreplay" Ms. Casper was naked, and Mayor Napier was in his Pooh Bear costume: shirt only, no pants. The report does not indicate whether alcohol was involved.
Longtime readers of this blog (and fans of hilarious mugshots) may remember gold-faced Patrick Tribett:
Mr. Tribett recently celebrated 8 weeks of sobriety by retaining a lawyer to file lawsuits against several businesses that used his mugshot for commercial purposes:
Nation's most famous huffer sues everybody
That's all for today. See you later, alligators.
That's all for today. See you later, alligators.
No indication of whether there was a financial component to Ms. Casper and Mr. Napier's relationship?
I remember when you first posted Tribett's mugshot. It struck me that it looked like a Halloween costume gone awry.
Maybe you can settle with him, if his lawyer catches up to you. A couple of spray cans of carburetor cleaner should do.
I know nothing gets me more turned on than a Waffle House!!
Happy New Year, and what, there wasn't some rural adjacent town property where they couldn't get busy? You have to figure, he's the Mayor, he can tell the whole Water Department to go take a hike for an hour.
Glad to see you blogging again!
Feliz año nuevo, bud.
Yikes, man. Happy NY to you and yours, also!
By strange coincidence, I was at a Waffle House a couple nights ago also next to a Days Inn. Some dude was asleep at the wheel near where I parked -- waiting for a waitress date or the next short order cook?
I will not acquiesce in on it. I think warm-hearted post. Specially the designation attracted me to review the unscathed story.
Love the Pooh bear outfit reference.
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You'd think Huff the Magic Dragon had a bit more of a sense of humor.
Who could resist anyone in a Pooh Bear costume? They should get off. Or at least should have gotten off before getting caught.
Nice Pooh bear reference, Bubs.
Good day, sun shines!
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hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
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