Five years ago my kids talked me into starting a blog. I started by spilling my guts, and moved on from there. Quite a few things have happened since then.
For starters, we're all five years older.
My hobby blog led to some fun opportunities. I had a pretty good run as a paid blogger and got to hear myself on the radio a few times, that was kinda cool. While I was all full of myself and letting my head swell I kind of neglected things around here.
So now I'm cleaning out the cobwebs, chasing off the snakes and opening the windows to air things out here at the Compound. I don't want to make any money, I don't want any public notice (beyond a few dozen friends and family), and I don't want to write about anything police-related--unless, of course, it involves alligators, weenie-wavers or predatory clowns. And maybe amputees.
I'll start with a couple of items that caught my attention this week.
Meet Mark Thompson of wild, wonderful West Virginia:

I'll just quote the lead from this article in the Charleston Gazette:
Police say an Alum Creek man high on bath salts killed his neighbor's pygmy goat and that neighbors found him in his bedroom, dressed in a bra and panties, next to the dead animal...
Believe me when I tell you that there are more details in the article, and it gets weirder.
Just because I stopped writing about it doesn't mean that the ongoing war between alligators and humankind has stopped, or even slowed--as a matter of fact, I see clear indicators that it might be escalating. Example:
A kill-crazy alligator in Gainesville, Florida, recently attacked a marked police car, clamping down and seizing the bumper of the patrol car in its deadly jaws:
I got this last one courtesy of Lisa Golden, an old blogging chum, via Twitter. The story originates in (of course) Florida, and sports one of the best leads I've seen:
Floridians are going to have to start pulling up their pants and stop having sex with animals soon.
Florida recently passed two pieces of legislation--one aims at ending the state's nightmarish epidemic of human-animal sexual relations, and the other aims at getting young men to pull their damn pants up.
That's all for now. We have a big weekend coming up: the Kentucky Derby on Saturday, and Mother's Day on Sunday. I'm digging through my photo archives for suitable material.
Have a great day, and thanks for stopping by.
What a great way to start a Friday!
Imagine my excitement when I saw the compound had been opened back up! It was enough for me to punch a clown and then wave my weeny!!
I scared the dogs...
Atta boy, Bubs!
Welcome back, Bubs! can get high on bath salts?? See, this is why I need you!
Schaweet! Missed ya!
I always get a good laugh out of your critiques of Wisconsin craziness. There's been a lot going on up here in MADtown!
Hmm, maybe we will all follow. I ran out of sentences.
Woot! Roller coasters have got nothin' on you, Bubs.
Welcome back Bubs. Blogdom missed you!
In honor of your return, I'll be making some sort of cocktail involving bourbon and bath salts. In all seriousness, how does one even go about getting high on bath salts?
Hey, you! Welcome back. My WV was Narcozoology!
Methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) is a psychoactive drug with stimulant properties which acts as a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI). Reportedly, it has been sold since around 2004 as a designer drug. It is also known as MDPK, Magic, Super Coke and PV.[1] In 2010 it was reportedly sold as a legal drug alternative and marketed in the United States as "bath salts" (under such names as Pixie Dust, Ivory Wave, Ocean, Charge Plus, White Lightning, White Girl, Scarface, Hurricane Charlie, Vanella Sky, Bonzai Grow, Blue Silk, Lovey Dovey, Euphoria, Aura, Red Dove and White Dove).
Legal in the States EXCEPT in Florida and Louisiana
This is the best news I've had all day (and it's been a day of good news)! You've been sorely missed.
I would assume you've seen this already:
Once you've had a man with an alligator, you never go back...
Glad you're back. I ofter think about the "Is it Gernany or Florida'? contests. 5 years goes by fast!
Excellent stuf, man!
Yay! Glad to see you're back, Bubs. I will admit that I checked in at least once a month for more than a year.
I'm not any older, mentally anyway! Glad the Compound is open for business again!
So glad to see you took the pleas to resurrect the compound to heart
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