I was waiting to put up this post, but some of you kind and eager bloggers have already gotten the ball rolling (thanks Grant Miller and Evil Genius) so I figured I'd better get going.
Thanks to the amazing torrent of support she got online, Nora O'Sullivan is a finalist in the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors Spooksmodel Contest!
The voting is being handled differently this time, and it's kind of a pain, so here are some instructions:
1)Click on this link: Fangoria Weekend of Horrors Spooksmodel Contest
2) Scroll down and find Nora O'Sullivan in her evil nurse outfit, and click the little round radio button next to the "vote" button. After you've clicked the radio button, then click on the button that says "vote".
3) Enter a valid email address--this is done so that no one can stuff the ballot box. Fangoria will send a confirmation email to the address you entered.
4) Open the email and click on the link. That registers the vote. Hopefully. I've heard from a few people that the voting system is wonky, and does not seem to be registering some votes.
You can only vote once for each email account you have, so it's important (again) to try and get the word out to other folks and encourage them to vote for our own little gorehound. The voting ends on April 17, the first day of the Weekend of Horrors in Los Angeles.
Our family was truly awestruck and humbled by the response Nora got from everyone last week. More than 30 bloggers are on the honor roll of the Nora O'Sullivan Fangoria Army, and it was amazing to watch her vote totals climb as you guys put the word out. Thank you!
Now, you can cue up some of the scary tunes over there on the jukebox and commence to voting!
Keep 'em rolling!
For people who are trying to use multiple email accounts to vote (for the different people in your voting family, obviously!), I did notice that an additional vote I attempted didn't take initially, because the website saw a second vote coming from the same IP address as the first, despite the the fact I was using a different email account.
So, if you are using multiple email accounts to vote, please make sure to vote from different IP addresses! (I can change my IP address by unplugging and replugging in my DSL modem -- your results may vary).
i used all my emails back to back and it seemed to work = i knew it would pay of some day to have so many damn email accounts :)
Shall be done.
Already done. She was in third, but the gap can certainly be overcome!
Just to let you know, I will solicit another round of votes from my e-chums within the next day or so!
gots her at the top o' me sidebar!! Will buzz by the li'berry where they've got LOTS of PC's so all the li'berrians can vote!! ::ahem::
Thanks for putting this up. I tried six times to vote but got a message everytime that I had goofed it up. I missed the part about the radio button. Works just fine now.
Best of luck to you both,
Mission possible, though the confirmation e-message hasn't come through yet. Aye, wonky indeed -- but will persist -- good luck, y'all!
I wasn't able to vote with any additional accounts, so only one of my votes registered. I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to use a different IP.
We are all over it here in Bubblesworld!
i haven't gotten the confirmation email(s) does that mean it didn't count? I double checked the email addy and it was correct
OK, I voted, and got a message saying it sent me an email to my gmail acct. No email. I tried the same thing with my juno acct., still no message. Just so you know. Maybe they think I'm trying to get Final Four tickets for Detroit. I'll try again. (I clicked on your link first time; via a separate browser second time. Same result)
I just voted. She's currently in third. I will send out the email blitz now, maybe that will help!
"I regret that I have but one email to give for my blogging countryman. or woman. or spooksmodel."
Mine is in process right now.
Dude, she was mentioned on Crooks & Liars! Add me to the list of supporters.
She's got my vote!
I never got my confirmation email, WTF?
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