Given a choice, would you take Christian Clowns?
Or Christian nudists?
Before you choose, read this article:
Naked Before God
I'll leave it up to you to decide. Ministering clowns or Bible-believing nudists. I'll tell you this, though--at the rate things are going, Tennessee and Virginia are both well on the way to becoming the new Florida.
Who could possibly decide, they are both scary as hell. I was just relieved not to see any rubber noses on the nudists because that would make for a perfect storm of ugliness.
I gotta choose clowns because usually the people who are in to nudism are usualy people you least likely want to see naked.
I'm going for Nekkid Christians. Makes the service with the snakes much more interesting.
I used to think nude beaches and nudist colonies were filled with amazingly hot naked women who just hung out and played volleyball and drank margaritas.
Somewhere along the line, that image was shattered.
Thanks for bringing these harsh truths to light.
Well, Jesus did say, "Blessed are the breasts and the children." I don't recall his position on floppy shoes. I'd have to go with the Christian nudists.
I'll take nekkid Kristians to block.
Definitely the nudists. I can just look up at the sky. Clowns... *shudder*
I'll take the nudists, because I find colorful balloon crucifixes off-putting, and the kids will just use them as swords anyway.
Dear lord...is death an option?
I'll have to go with Flannery's sentiments on this one.
Send in the Panzers.
I hate clowns of all denominations.
How on Earth would I be able to make such a Sophie's choice?
C, none of the above?
I have to go with the nudists. At least they have nothing to hide.
Nudists, no contest.
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