There are a lot of reasons, really, but the one I've mentioned before has to do with coming home and finding random images on the computer desktop.
Like this one. I am not a "cat person" but who can resist a cat wearing a fez? Or any of God's creatures wearing a fez?
I know I can't.
Neither of my cats own a fez ... but they do have sombreros.
Guy's that wear fez' scare me. But a cat looks stunning in a fez.
I don't think my cats would appreciate it if I dress them up!
Katy, it's a rare animal that allows their human to dress them up.
Grant, I heard that. Hence my avatar change to something less threatening.
And, in my opinion, everything looks more stunning in a fez.
Beth, sombreros?! Cool! You got pictures for us?
Welcome to Catsablanca . . . .
Isn't that an old photo of Peter Lorre resting between takes during "Casablanca?"
That cat looks like he's committed some horrible crime. I think that's why the fez looks especially odd on him. Well, that and the fact that it's a cat wearing a fez. Am I reading too much into this?
It's good that your family knows and appreciates your love of the absurd!
That cat's copping a real attitude too!
I also find random images downloaded on my laptop by family members,which are nice. And recently a virus. Which is not so nice.
Anything in a fez looks uber-cool, or like a shriner. I prefer uber-cool. As a hat collector, it is the one I don't own.
BTW, as much as I like the new avatar, the one with the fez and the soul patch was cooler. How about Sydney Greenstreet from Casablanca?
Doc, I'm going through an avatar crisis. Please bear with me.
And I agree with you (in the interest of full disclosure here, I have a drinking and smoking fez that I wear occasionally) that anything in a fez looks uber cool.
Barbara, that cat has a rare intensity doesn't he. Sorry bout the virus.
Johnny, yes they do. Ahhh.
Ten, I think that cat is struggling with dark, dark secrets, no doubt about it.
WP, could be. Now I'm hearing those words with Lorre's voice.
Erik, "Catsablanca"? Whoa, you're a good crowd!
Not a 'cat person'? What, are you insane, man?
Teetering on the edge of it, anyway.
I used to have cats, actually, a fun guy named Bob who followed me home and who liked to be picked up and tossed across the room onto a couch, over and over and over again. Then we had two cats named Molly and Berlin for several years. Turned out I was horribly allergic to cats, so eventually we found homes for them and became a cat-free household.
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