Here are the girls, "true amateur models" Dallas and Ashlyn, at the start of their photo shoot:

So, how can you tell these girls are "true amateurs", and not just a couple of jaded small-time pro porn starlets? Check out this next photo and see if you can spot what marks this as a "true amateur" shoot:

Yes, you can tell it's "true amateur" porn when there's no wardrobe budget, and the talent shows up wearing menstrual blood-stained jeans:

Truly amateur, and classy!
What is this "porn" you speak of? Is it found on the Internet somehow?
I heard about it on talk radio.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I always thought true amateurs could be identified by black boxes across their bits and pieces?
If they're amateurs, does that mean they didn't get paid for this?
Oh My God if I ever catch my kids doing this I will beat them with those black boxes.
Maybe it's part of a college internship.
Remedial laundry lessons for those young actors!
At least there's no tampon string hanging out.
Now that's klassy with a K. And gross with a big ass giant G.
Are those jeans Levi's red label?
Haahahahahahahahahahahaha! Oh holy buckets of shit, hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I'm howling! I'm at work! My coworkers cannot see this!
Ahhh.... Had it not bean 4-U, I might never otherwise have noticed!!
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