“He was not under the influence of drink or drugs. We suspect he is addicted to cross- dressing.”
-An unknown Hong Kong police official, commenting on the arrest of an off-duty 20 year veteran officer who was caught in a park, naked but for a pair of fishnet stockings.
You know, I think I would just go with being accused of being on drugs.
If he's also Republican it's all over.
He later said: "Geeze, you go naked in the park all the time and then one time, ONE TIME, you put on a pair of fishnet stockings, and now you're forever known as a cross-dresser."
So that's what that Robert Palmer song was about.
He was not obviously under the influence of good judgement.
There's got to be a lot more to this story than meets the eye. Keep us updated. Inquiring minds want to know. I'm thinking someone stole the rest of the get up. Maybe it was a really nice suit. Hell lots of guys wear fishnets under their well tailored pants, don't they?
Where was the rest of his "dressing" though?
So much said
in so few words ...
Who among us doesn't like to go to the park in fishnets?
That's just silly. Fish don't wear stockings!
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